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Scenario Database

Welcome to the ACWGC's Customized Scenario Database! The Wargame Design Studio's scenario editor allows anyone to edit or create scenarios for either themselves or others to enjoy. This database contains member-created scenarios which are available to download and play for free within the games you already own. 



WDS Overland Expansion Pack 2024


Wanting to play a whole new set of Overland scenarios? Then check out all of these new battles! Click on the link below to view and download the scenarios.


Battleground Gettysburg 2024 Scenarios


Looking for the newly released Battleground Gettysburg 2024 scenarios? You have come to the right place. Click on the link below to view and download the scenarios.



Battleground Chickamauga 2024 Scenarios


Looking for the newly released Battleground Chickamauga 2024 scenarios? You have come to the right place. Click on the link below to view and download the scenarios.


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Gettysburg Scenarios

Struggle (150 Turns)

Designed by Robert F.
Added July, 2023

Lee's Army of Northern Virginia is reinforced by a 4th Corps under DH Hill.  Hooker's Army of the Potomac receives additional support in the form of the 22nd Corps from the Washington defenses. The scenario is balanced in that the CSA has their usual qualitative advantage, while the USA has a larger force.  The 22nd Corps are garrison troops, basically D & E rated.


Note: Contains components from both Campaign Overland and Campaign Gettysburg, requiring ownership of both titles.


Stonewall at Gettysburg (156 Turns)

Designed by Blake S.
Added Jan. 1, 2023

Robert E. Lee's second invasion of the north began on June 3, 1863, when his forces began to slip away from their camps around Fredericksburg. James Longstreet had returned from the Virginia peninsula with Pickett's and Hood's divisions and would once more command the army's reunited First Corps (divisions under McLaws, Pickett, Hood, and Anderson). Thomas J. Jackson, fresh from his greatest victory at Chancellorsville, would command the Second Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia (divisions under Ewell, Johnson, Rodes, and AP Hill). Lee's army would spend the next month maneuvering and marching into Maryland and then into Pennsylvania. 


As rumors abounded that the Union army was gaining rapidly on the Confederates from the south, Lee ordered his dispersed forces to begin closing up in anticipation of a possible battle. Jackson's corps was then spread out in central Pennsylvania in an attempt to capture the capital at Harrisburg. After word arrived from Lee that the Union army was much closer than they had believed, Jackson put his foot cavalry on the roads and moved to rejoin the rest of the army. On June 30, Jackson received word that a Union cavalry force was in Gettysburg. Unable to locate Stuart's Division, Jackson decided to drive on Gettysburg and attack any Federals he found there. He would then take the town and await the arrival of Longstreet's men moving east from Chambersburg.  


AP Hill's Division would lead the advance along the Chambersburg Pike. Jackson's other divisions were still a few hours away moving southward towards the town.  The Battle of Gettysburg was about to begin.


Raid on Stephenson's Depot (18 Turns)

NON HISTORICAL: This has been created to be a balanced (hopefully), enjoyable, PBEM scenario. After the Rebels defeat at Gettysburg supplies are a problem as they continue their retreat. It is decided to launch an attack on Stephenson's Depot in an attempt to gain the much needed supplies. This scenario often plays out right to the end. Hope you enjoy. 


!HPS_GB_Training_v.1.01 (16 Turns)

Training scenario for HPS Gettysburg with two corps of all arms and about equal size in a meeting engagement. *** Version 1.01: Length increased to 16 turns to allow for some more maneuvering. Victory levels adjusted. 


Equal Force Challenge Battles

Designed by Blake S.
Added March 1, 2024

Three Custom Gettysburg Equal Force Scenarios. These were used in the 2024 Equal Force Challenge. 



Chickamauga Scenarios

Designed by Robert F.

Glory or the Grave Scenarios

Rosecrans gives greater consideration to warnings he has received concerning Longstreet's move from the East to reinforce Bragg. He alters his planned attack on the Rebels at Lafayette and focuses on consolidating his army at Chattanooga, re-supplying, and continuing his offensive operations from that point.  See additional discussion in accompanying documentation with the scenario.

Vicksburg Scenarios


Battle of the Mississippi (31 Turns)

Designed by Blake S.

Grant's Army of the Tennessee is advancing north to attack Johnston's Army of Mississippi east of the Big Black River. Johnston is moving south to attack Grant at the same moment. Who will be victorious? NOTE: This is an Equal Force Fight. Both sides have the same number of men, units, guns, wagons, and supplies. The quality of the leaders and the men are also equal. 



The American Civil War Gaming Club

Updated 03/02/2025

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