Battleground Chickamauga
Welcome to the storage area for the WDS Chickamauga scenarios based upon the classic Battleground Chickamauga game! There are fifteen new scenarios available to play and to download here. Included are a number of original scenarios and Equal Force setups. These scenarios were added on July 1, 2024. By downloading the file attachment below, you can quickly install all the necessary files to play these scenarios. For tech help you can click here. The full scenario descriptions are listed below. Enjoy!
By clicking on the icon to the left you can download all of the various files you will need in order to play the different scenarios listed below. It is strongly recommended you import all files to your game folders at one time (even if you only wish to play just one of the scenarios).
Robert Frost also created a new Chickamauga scenario based on the David Powell trilogy of books on the battle. You can click on the attachment to the left to download Robert's take on the Battle of Chickamauga. (currently unavailable)
The Battle of Stones River (Historical)
!BG 01 - Battle of Stones River (Historical)
135 Turns
Designed by J. Dunnam
Historical (135 Turns) - Dec 31, 1862 - Jan 2, 1863 - 6:00am: This is the historical full-battle scenario. All units start in historical positions, with historical reinforcements entering with historical probabilities. Many Federal units start disordered to reflect the unexpected Confederate attack. ~~~~ Based on the Talonsoft/Matrix Battleground Chickamauga version by J. Dunnam. UPDATED 2024: Each side was given additional supply wagons which arrive on January 1. USA: 49,900 CSA: 38,500
Every Man is Available
!BG 02 - Every Man is Available
135 Turns
Designed by J. Dunnam/Blake Strickler
Alternate (135 Turns) - Dec 31, 1862 - Jan 2, 1863 - 6:00am: This is based on the historical Battle of Stones River. All units start in historical positions, with historical reinforcements entering with historical probabilities. Many Federal units start disordered to reflect the unexpected Confederate attack. ~~~~ Based on the Talonsoft/Matrix Battleground Chickamauga version by J. Dunnam. UPDATED 2024: All units in this version begin the battle UNFIXED. Each side was given additional supply wagons which arrive on January 1. USA: 49,900 CSA: 38,500
Reinforced at Stones River
!BG 03 - Reinforced at Stones River
135 Turns
Designed by Blake Strickler
Alternate (135 Turns) - Dec 31, 1862 - Jan 2, 1863 - 6:00am: This is based on “A Full Engagement” with all units UNFIXED at the start of the battle. All units start in historical positions, with historical reinforcements entering with historical probabilities. Many Federal units start disordered to reflect the unexpected Confederate attack. This alternate version of the battle includes the arrival of Stevenson’s and Fry’s divisions on January 1. ~~~~ Based on the Talonsoft/Matrix Battleground Chickamauga version by J. Dunnam. USA: 56,625 CSA: 46,575
Rosecrans Strikes First
!BG 04 - Rosecrans Strikes First
135 Turns
Designed by Blake Strickler
Alternate (135 Turns) - Dec 31, 1862 - Jan 2, 1863 - 6:00am: In this version of Stones River, Crittenden has moved more aggressively in the pre-dawn hours of December 31 to carry out Rosecrans’s orders to attack the enemy flank at dawn. Wood and Van Cleve are across Stones River and preparing to assault Wayne’s Hill. On the extreme opposite flank of the Union army, enemy lines are seen emerging from the darkness and moving against McCook’s corps. Should Rosecrans continue his attack and count on McCook to hold his lines? Or should Crittenden be recalled to solidify the army’s position? Many Federal units start disordered to reflect the unexpected Confederate attack on McCook’s front. USA: 49,900 CSA: 38,500
The Lines Were Forming
!BG 05 - The Lines Were Forming
84 Turns
Designed by J. Dunnam
Alternate (84 Turns) - Dec. 30 - 31 1862 - 6:00am: This scenario starts with Rosecrans' force arriving on the field. Only historical units are available. Reinforcements are variable but with historical probabilities. Some Confederate units start "fixed" to reflect the command disorder prevalent in their ranks due to Rosecrans' unexpected advance. Based on the Talonsoft/Matrix scenario by J. Dunnam. USA: 49,900 CSA: 38,500
Stevenson in Tennessee
!BG 06 - Stevenson in Tennessee
135 Turns
Designed by Blake Strickler
Alternate (135 Turns) - Dec 31, 1862 - Jan 2, 1863 - 6:00am: This is based on the historical Battle of Stones River. This version assumes that Stevenson’s Division never departed for Mississippi but rather stayed with Bragg’s army at Murfreesboro. Bragg has held them in a reserve position across the Stones River. The Federals will be bolstered by Starkweather’s brigade joining Rousseau’s division and Spears’s brigade joining the army and forming up behind its center. USA: 50,925 CSA: 46,575
Stones River Multiplayer
!BG 07 - Stones River Multiplayer
135 Turns
Designed by Blake Strickler
Alternate (135 Turns) - Dec 31, 1862 - Jan 2, 1863 - 6:00am: Optimized for Multiplayer play. In this version of Stones River, Crittenden has moved more aggressively with his whole wing in the pre-dawn hours of December 31 to carry out Rosecrans’s orders to attack the enemy flank. Thomas’s two divisions are now on the front lines in the center while McCook holds the right. On McCook’s front of the Union army, enemy lines are seen emerging from the darkness and moving against the flank. Should Rosecrans continue his attack and count on McCook to hold his lines? Or should Crittenden be recalled to solidify the army’s position? Many Federal units start disordered to reflect the unexpected Confederate attack on McCook’s front. The final division of Thomas’s wing is still a day’s march away at Nashville but is marching to join the army. Bragg’s army has straightened itself out and now has all of Hardee’s Corps on the left flank preparing to assault the Union flank. Leaving just Cheatham north of Murfreesboro, Bragg is counting on the return of Stevenson’s Division to protect the town should the Federals attack. NOTE: Exit Hexes have been added for each army. Units have been shifted some to make a Multiplayer approach to this easier. USA: 55,125 CSA: 46,575
The Battle of Chickamauga (Historical)
!BG 08 - The Battle of Chickamauga (Historical)
85 Turns
Designed by Robert Lieb
Historical (85 Turns) – September 19 – 20, 1863 – 8am: Braxton Bragg has been trying to avenge the loss of Chattanooga to William Rosecrans' Army of the Cumberland for several weeks now. After several attempts to trap and strike portions of the Army of the Cumberland southeast of Chattanooga, Bragg finally gets his Army of the Tennessee to move upon the enemy. With half of James Longstreet's 1st Corps already off their trains from Virginia, and the other half expected before sunrise tomorrow, the Confederates will have the unique opportunity to meet the Federals at equal or greater strength. Thinking that the Union army is still spread out south of Lee and Gordon's Mill, Bragg orders Walker's corps and Bushrod Johnson's division to cross over Chickamauga Creek at several bridges north of the Union army and then drive south down the LaFayette road. Bragg hopes to push the Federals back into McLemore's Cove where they can be destroyed, thereby giving him control of Chattanooga and eastern Tennessee. However, unbeknownst to the Rebels, the Union army is finishing an overnight march up the LaFayette road. USA: 50,925 CSA: 60,775
UPDATED 2024: This original Battleground Chickamauga scenario was imported into the WDS Chickamauga version in 2024. The placement of the units was done as best as possible to recreate the fun and excitement of the original.
One notable change was made from the original version. At Lee and Gordon's Mill the old version of the battlefield map had forest hexes on either side of Chickamauga Creek, whereas the new WDS map has it only on one side. I believe this would place anyone holding the side in the open fields at a great disadvantage that was not originally intended. Therefore, I opted to add breastworks on the side with the clear fields in order to give them the same sort of protection they would have had in the original scenario against ranged fire. All other details, release times, reinforcements, order of battles, ratings, and all other design decisions, are as they were in the original scenario.
Chattanooga is the Goal
!BG 09 - Chickamauga Meeting Engagement V.1
107 Turns
Designed by Blake Strickler
Alternate (107 Turns) – Sept. 18 - 20, 1863 - 4:00pm: UNION - Early on September 18, General Rosecrans finally realized that the Confederates were attempting to cut him off from Chattanooga and push his army up against Lookout Mountain. Rosecrans ordered Granger to concentrate his forces at Chattanooga and then move south to keep the corridor open for the rest of the army to reach Chattanooga safely. The Cavalry Corps and the Lightning Brigade were sent to Lee and Gordon’s Mill to watch the river crossings ahead of the infantry. By late afternoon these forces were nearing Chickamauga Creek. Across the river, enemy forces were moving to the same fords and bridges. Could the Federals hold the road open to Chattanooga long enough? Or would the Rebels force their way across the river and move on the city? And where was Longstreet? REBEL – Bragg was finally moving aggressively against Rosecrans. He would throw his army in between the Federal army and Chattanooga and then destroy them in detail. With Longstreet arriving at the perfect moment, he would drive directly on Rossville on the 19th. Forrest and Wheeler would look to clear the way ahead of his arrival while the Army of Tennessee followed in their wake from the south. Bragg felt confident that his reinforced army would be able to either capture Chattanooga or destroy Rosecrans in battle. If he was lucky he might accomplish both. NOTE: Night turns are 120 minutes. Night Movement Fatigue is set to 150. Any movement during the handful of night turns will therefore be very exhausting for your men. TOTAL NUMBERS: USA – 67,175 CSA – 69,775
March Faster!
!BG 10 - Chickamauga Meeting Engagement V.2
87 Turns
Designed by Blake Strickler
Alternate (87 Turns) - Sept. 19 - 20, 1863 - 7:00am: UNION - Panic! Rosecrans is moving north to Chattanooga as quickly as possible as the Confederate Army of Tennessee has been reinforced by an unknown number of Lee's veterans. The Cavalry Corps and the Lightning Brigade have been rushed to Chattanooga to protect the line of march for Rosecrans's army and to protect the city. Thomas is leading the main Union body as it moves on McFarland's Gap in a desperate attempt to reach Rossville before the enemy cuts them off from Chattanooga. The Lightning Brigade will be hard-pressed to both slow down the Confederate infantry and the enemy cavalry - they may have to choose one or the other to concentrate on. Granger's Reserve Corps and a division from the XXI Corps are moving through the Chattanooga Valley with nearly all of the army's supplies. Their hope is to reach Chattanooga before the enemy can capture it and then to hold it until Rosecrans can relieve the city. Large enemy forces are known to be behind the Confederate cavalry moving in from the east. The race is on! REBEL - Bragg's Army of Tennessee finally is moving offensively. With the addition of Longstreet's force, Bragg has ordered an all-out attack on Chattanooga. He has sent all his cavalry to make a direct attack on Chattanooga and to try and cut off the main enemy column from reaching that city. Can Forrest and Wheeler accomplish such a large task when the entire enemy cavalry force is massed against them? Longstreet will advance on Chattanooga from the east behind the cavalry but is a number of hours behind them. Bragg will lead the Army of Tennessee north on the LaFayette Road and try to slow down Rosecrans as much as possible to give Longstreet a chance to take the city. NOTE: Prepare for a chaotic and grueling battle. Night turns are 120 minutes. Night Movement Fatigue is set to 150. Any movement during the handful of night turns will therefore be very exhausting for your men. TOTAL NUMBERS: USA - 67,175 CSA - 69,775
Bragg Avoids a Trap V.1
!BG 11 - Bragg Avoids a Trap V.1
60 Turns
Designed by Robert Lieb
Alternate (60 Turns) – Sept. 12, 1863 - 10:00am: [Confederates gain victory points for exiting units off the map at hex 0,28 - the southern-most hex of LaFayette Road] What might have happened had Bragg guessed wrong and allowed the Army of the Cumberland to cross the Tennessee River north of Chattanooga relatively unopposed? The relatively flat terrain that the Union forces would have encountered after the crossing would have allowed a much faster advance. In this scenario the Confederates are retreating from Chattanooga, crossing Missionary Ridge at McFarland Gap, and trying to stay ahead of the numerically superior Federals. Will Rosecrans move fast enough to stop the Rebels or will Longstreet arrive from Virginia in time to save the day? UPDATED 2024: This original Battleground Chickamauga scenario was imported into the new WDS Chickamauga version in 2024. The placement of the units was done as best as possible to recreate the fun and excitement of the original. Two notable changes were made from the older version. At Lee and Gordon's Mill - the old version of the battlefield map had forest hexes on either side of the Chickamauga, whereas the new WDS map has it only on one side. I believe this would place anyone holding the side in the open fields at a great disadvantage that was not originally intended. Therefore, I opted to add breastworks on the side with the clear fields in order to give them the same sort of protection they would have had in the original scenario. Second, I increased the protective radius around the arrival points of Longstreet's Corps as it arrives from the east. The Union player should not attempt to block their arrival or they will be routed automatically by the game engine for moving too close to the arrival points. This scenario uses the WDS OOBs. TOTAL NUMBERS: USA – 57,330 CSA – 55,944
Bragg Avoids a Trap V.2
!BG 12 - Bragg Avoids a Trap V.2
60 Turns
Designed by Robert Lieb
Alternate (60 Turns) – Sept. 12, 1863 - 10:00am: [Confederates gain victory points for exiting units off the map at hex 0,28 - the southern-most hex of the LaFayette Road] This variant contains less Union cavalry and an improved Confederate setup (compared to scenario Bragg Avoids a Trap V.1). UPDATED 2024: This original Battleground Chickamauga scenario was imported into the new WDS Chickamauga version in 2024. The placement of the units was done as best as possible to recreate the fun and excitement of the original. Two notable changes were made from the older version. At Lee and Gordon's Mill - the old version of the battlefield map had forest hexes on either side of the Chickamauga, whereas the new WDS map has it only on one side. I believe this would place anyone holding the side in the open fields at a great disadvantage that was not originally intended. Therefore, I opted to add breastworks on the side with the clear fields in order to give them the same sort of protection they would have had in the original scenario. Second, I increased the protective radius around the arrival points of Longstreet's Corps as it arrives from the east. The Union player should not attempt to block their arrival or they will be routed automatically by the game engine for moving too close to the arrival points. This scenario uses the WDS OOBs. TOTAL NUMBERS: USA – 54,082 CSA – 55,944
The Rock of Chickamauga
!BG 13 - The Rock of Chickamauga
30 Turns
Designed by Robert Lieb/Blake Strickler
Historical (30 Turns) – September 20, 1863 – PLAY WITH ALTERNATE FIXED UNIT RELEASE UNCHECKED - 9:00am: All of Longstreet's Corps has arrived from Virginia, ready and aimed at the heart of the Federal army. Bragg has given orders to commence this morning's attack with the right wing (Polk) at 8am. However, due to miscommunication between Bragg and his subordinates the attack does not start until after 9. Just as the left wing (Longstreet) is scheduled to commence its attack, Rosecrans - believing that there is a hole in his line - creates a real hole by ordering Brig. General Thomas Wood's division to pull out and close the perceived gap. Just as the first of Wood's brigades vacate their position, Longstreet's attack pours into the newly-created gap, quickly routing the Federal right. George Thomas is left to fend off the destruction of Rosecrans' Army of the Cumberland. NOTE: To recreate the gap in the Federal lines, Harker’s brigade of Wood’s division has been pulled out of line near the Brotherton House. Opposite this gap are the 10,000 men of Longstreet’s Corps preparing to attack. TOTAL NUMBERS: USA – 36,275 CSA – 41,550
Equal Forces at Chickamauga
!BG 14 - Equal Forces at Chickamauga
85 Turns
Designed by Blake Strickler
Alternate (85 Turns) – An equal force matchup where both sides have the same number of men, units, quality ratings, ammunition, and gun types. This can be played either as a single-player game or as a 3 on 3 multiplayer game. Neither side has any cavalry. TOTAL NUMBERS: USA – 50,000 CSA – 50,000
Pinwheel of Chaos (Equal Forces)
!BG 15 - Pinwheel of Chaos (Equal Forces)
85 Turns
Designed by Blake Strickler
Alternate (85 Turns) – An equal force matchup where both sides have the same number of men, units, quality ratings, ammunition, and gun types. This can be played either as a single-player game or as a very challenging and chaotic 3 on 3 multiplayer game. Neither side has any cavalry. This battle is NOT for those looking for an organized and “proper” battle. This is designed to be very difficult and to create a very violent battle with numerous high-risk/high-reward choices for both sides. Do you dare? TOTAL NUMBERS: USA – 50,000 CSA – 50,000